Packing for a bike tour or multiple day bike ride can leave event the most practiced cyclists scratching their heads.
If you are camping you will need the creature comforts for sleeping plus the gear for riding in a variety of conditions. If you are carrying your own gear on the bike, space will be at a premium and you will need to determine what can safely be carried on your bike.
The list below if geared toward a bike tour event where your luggage is moved for you by personal SAG or by the event. Or as in the case with Bike Virginia 2015, the riders move their own gear from Abingdon VA to our second base camp in Kingsport TN before we begin riding there.
Packing List for Bike Touring- Camping Supplies
- Tent and sleeping materials
- Tarp to put beneath your tent
- Chair
- Plastic bag for keeping your clothes dry (or drybag style luggage, like the CHESTER).
- Second plastic bag for damp or dirty laundry.
- Shower supplies in a small bag (easy to carry to showers)
- Camp towel that dries quickly and packs down small.
- Casual shoes
- Sweatshirt or long sleeve fleece
- Underwear/Bra
- Pants for cool weather
- Bathing suit
- Sun hat
- Book or reading material
- Cooking supplies if allowed. We do not allow cooking at Bike Virginia event camps.
Riding Supplies:
- Bike in working order
- Road suited tires are suggested for easy rolling
- Helmet
- Water bottle (s) or camel back
- Rain gear
- Warm layers
- Arm or leg warmers
- Wind jacket (mornings can be cool).
- Gloves
- Shoes
- Socks
- Riding Shorts or Pants
- Sunscreen
- Glasses (sun and or reading)
- Lip Balm with Sunscreen
- Snacks/Fuel that you like
- Chamois Butter (or other chafing preventative).
- Cash
- Ziploc for your phone/money
- Lotion for wind chapped skin (Vaseline is heavy but works well)
- Lock for your bike
Medical/First-aid Supplies You Might Want
- Cortisone or Benadryl cream
- Benadryl pills
- Pain reliever
- Tums or Acid reducer
- Gas-X
- Imodium
- Band-aids
- Antibiotic cream
- Aloe
- A&D Cream or other saddle rash cream
- Prescription medications that you take regularly or might need
When preparing for a multi-day bike event like the 6 day Bike Virginia Tour event it is a good idea to start packing early.
Packing in clear plastic bags and sorting supplies by camping, riding, medicine, etc… can help you keep up with the items you need for various situations readily available. If you put pills or medications in pill boxes be sure they are labeled correctly. Also note dosage information if you do not carry the packaging.
Color-coded sleeves or pockets that separate clothing can also help keep riding and casual gear in order.
Prepare for rain or other “water related” accidents. Water bottles spill, camel backs leak, and various weird things happen that leave rider with wet clothes. Using plastic or waterproof bags can leave you happier in the long run.
Packing Light
When space and weight are of concern for your bike trip look for items that can serve double duty such as warm layers and jackets.
- Natural wool is very good to travel and ride with because it rarely gets stinky.
- Travel size soaps, bottles, etc… can help save lots of space.
- Consider a Kindle or Nook or small tablet instead of carrying a book.
- If you need to wash items along the way look for laundry locations as you make your trip plan.
- Flip flops make good casual shoes because they take up little space, just make sure they can go the distance if you need to walk.