Sometimes it is hard to imagine what a day might be like when you are on a bike tour. While every tour has it’s unique qualities, a large multi-day tour with 500+ riders will have a general cadence. Below I share both general information about bike tours and some specifics about a day in the life of a Bike Virginia tour participant.
Nearly every bike ride event will have a designated check in time. During those specified hours cyclists arrive and pick up their packets. If included riders pick up their jersey or t-shirt at that time too. At Bike Virginia arrival is generally Friday from 10am-8pm (June 24, 2016). Some riders arrive on Saturday, and others on later days in the event. We check riders in at “registration” on the first two days, then at hospitality on the later days.
Set Up Camp 
If you are participating in a camping event, you will generally set up camp when you arrive. Other people choose to stay in hotels if the event allows. At Bike Virginia about 50% of riders camp with us at headquarters, the remainder stay in hotels, rent houses, or stay in B&B locations. Each event will have specific details about things that are allowed in camp, such as EZ-up style canopies (allowed at Bike Virginia), and cooking (not-allowed at Bike Virginia, due to fire code).
Riding a Multi-Day Bike Tour
Ride organizers typically set specific riding hours. At Bike Virginia for example we have open riding hours between 7am and 5pm for our bike routes. We require that all riders begin to ride by 9am Saturday through Wednesday and finish their route by 5pm. It is important to note that events usually have specific hours for support services such as SAG and Rest Stops so be sure to plan accordingly. Some routes at Bike Virginia close earlier than others, it is important to read the Tour Guide to understand scheduling.
Many rides that are point-to-point encourage you to ride early. Generally for rides in hotter climates this also offers you cooler riding. Some events may allow you to start before sunrise, however at Bike Virginia we do not allow this for safety. If your ride does allow riding in the dark, be sure to follow local laws for lighting and wear reflective clothing to help keep you safe.
Eating on a Multi-Day Bike Tour 
Food is essential to having a good ride. Bike events can include meals and rest stop food, or may require you to buy these items along the way. Be sure to check the details on food before you go. Some require carrying cash. Events that offer on-site meals may have breakfast, lunch and dinner options either included or for sale. They may also offer on-site vendors for food or treats. Some events like Ragbrai leave meal purchases up to the rider.
At Bike Virginia some meals and all rest stops are included. Registration includes lunch Saturday-Wednesday and a rest stop stocked with food and drink every 20+/- miles. We offer a breakfast plan which can be purchased in advance as well. We use a food-court style lunch option so you get to choose your own meal each day.
For evening meals, some riders choose to have a late lunch on Bike Virginia or buy food from one of our vendors. Another popular option is to visit the local community restaurants for a taste of the local fare.
Moving Camp on Bike Tours
Bike Tours move camp on one or more days, taking you either on a “point to point ride” or a “loop ride.” On a move day riders will pack up camp before riding, that can mean an early start to the day. Some events move your gear as part of registration, others require you to use a gear transport service which might cost extra. Both typically require you to put your gear bag(s) in a designated area for truck loading. Be sure to check bag limits and prohibited items. Generally you leave your car behind unless you have a driver to follow along.
Bike Virginia moves only one (1) time in 6 days, this means fewer times to pack gear and set up camp. We spend 3 days riding in one area and 3 days in the second area. Each day offers new bike rides even though we do not move often. All our riders transport their own gear, which gives you more options of how and what you carry. The Bike Virginia formula lets you have your car close by every day which is a unique and very popular approach to bike events.
Evening Activities at Bike Events 
Nearly every bike tour offers evening activities. Some bike events offer services like Yoga and Massage for cyclists to enjoy. Many offer night time concerts, movies, games, and other relaxing places to gather with your family and friends. You might also have an opportunity to take part in special outings that the event organizes like wine tastings, museum visits, and historic tours, river rafting, horseback riding, and other area interests.
At the 2016 Bike Virginia events we offer many entertainment options for bike event participants campground concerts, games, family activity areas, and a wide selection of tourism adventures for participants including dude ranch, water park, winery tours, pub crawl, historic down-towns, and more.
Multi-Day Bike Events Are Fun!
You’ll find tons of fun to be had at nearly any Multi-Day Bike Tour. Each event will offer a unique flavor depending on the style (loop or point-to-point), camping, all inclusive, or self supported. You’re sure to meet a lot of fantastic people along the way.
Study up on your event, pack accordingly, and let the tour directors show you a good time!
Most events have years of veteran riders that can attest to the flavor of the event you are considering. At Bike Virginia we are in our 29th year and have hosted over 20,000 cyclists from around the world.