Sunrise Grants for Bicycle Projects

Overview- Sunrise Grants for Bicycle Projects

The Bike Virginia Tour is a program of the non-profit Bike Virginia. We work to improve biking across the state. Each year our tour visits a region of Virginia for 6 days. In 2011  we began offering grants to improve biking in the communities we visit.

A total of  up to $5,000 may be granted in the host region in a given year based on sponsorship and contributions.

Grants will be offered for activities such as, but not limited to:

  • Installation of biking related equipment such as racks or crosswalks.
  • Educational/encouragement programs to get people active.
  • Starting a foundation or non-profit organization to improve biking in your area.
  • Conducting a “Share the Road” campaign in your community.
  • Seed funding to support a new Cyclovia, Open Streets, or Sunday Streets event.
  • Develop a website, web content or social media campaign.
  • Grow an existing program.

Match, cash or in-kind is not required for the application but is highly encouraged. “Match” describes funds or resources from another source that will be applied to proposed program.

The 2014 Grant Period is Currently Closed due to low funding from sponsors and contributors. Please check back for additional information Summer and Fall 2014.