• March 2, 2016

Spring Bike Ride Training- Get Ready for Summer Bike Events

Spring Bike Ride Training- Get Ready for Summer Bike Events

Spring Bike Ride Training- Get Ready for Summer Bike Events 1024 683 BIKE VIRGINIA

Spring is about to arrive in full force in the Eastern United States and it is a great time to start getting tuned up for spring and summer bike riding with some spring bike training plans that tune your body up just like you tune the bike up.

March and April are the perfect time to start your bike training to get ready for the June Bike Virginia Tour or other summer bike events. Here are a few tips for helping start your bike training you get ready for an enjoyable summer bike vacation:

1. Aim to ride some rides in the spring that are the distance you think you will choose for the summer event days.

  • Start with manageable rides that make you work, but are not stressful (mentally or physically). Build up gradually.
  • If 20 or 40 miles is your preference for an event then try to do that 20 mile length a couple of times a month leading up to Bike Virginia in June. If 100 is your length, start building up and shoot for something close to 100 as you approach the event.
  • Incorporate both slow and steady riding with some peppy sprints. Mixing up the intensity helps your fitness progress.
  • Be sure to exercise within your limits and consult with your physician if you have health limitations or questions.

2. Cross-train with weights or other exercises is a big plus.

  • Spending all your time on the bike can create imbalances in your body which can lead to pain and injury which hamper your performance.
  • Using cross-training such as walking, running, weight lifting, yoga, and Pilates can help you stay fit all over, and prevent injuries that come from using only a few muscle groups in one position (like we do in cycling).
  • Be sure to go slow if you add new cross-training and consult a physician if you have need.

3. Work on your soft tissue.

  • Having massages, doing self massage, and using foam roller can help stretch muscles, improve flexibility, break up adhesion and scar tissue, improve circulation, and promote healing.
  • Soft tissue work is a great addition to exercise to help you feel great, recover faster, and enjoy riding more.

4. Mix it up to keep it interesting.

  • Ride in new places and with new people.
  • Try out a different kind of biking, like mountain biking, to keep your interest in cycling going.
  • Remember that training is not just training, it is about the fun!
  • Throw in some cross-training or some new sports like Paddleboarding, all of that physical activity makes all your sports more enjoyable!

5. Try out new gear to enhance your spring bike training.

  • Try a heart rate monitor to help you understand your exercise intensity.
  • Consider tracking your mileage with a bike computer.
  • A power meter is another great tool for looking at your power output.

Reward Yourself with Fun Summer Events

Along with training should come reward. That’s why we do it after all!

As you start thinking about spring bike riding be sure to book your summer bike vacation with Bike Virginia or one of the other great Virginia bike events. The best time to register for Bike Virginia this spring is in March, when you get to take part in the event jersey offer. Check out our special Bike Virginia registration offers now.

The 2016 Virginia bike tour routes offer rolling terrain and each event bike route features at least one climb. Don’t be intimidated though, if you tackle Bike Virginia’s very manageable climbs you will be well rewarded with a nice view at the end of the hill. Kicking off your bike training in the spring makes it even easier to try new kinds of ride experiences.

For those of you that want more climbing Bike Virginia’s 2016 bike routes offer plenty of options for more challenge and more climbing. Really the choice is up to you, each day you pick the route you want based on your skills, endurance, and interests. You can even decide the day of the ride how much distance and climbing you’re up for. That’s the beauty of loop routes offered at Events like Bike Virginia which offers routes in various lengths.