• May 30, 2013

Pucker Up for Tart Cherry Juice

Pucker Up for Tart Cherry Juice

Pucker Up for Tart Cherry Juice BIKE VIRGINIA

Tart (sour) cherries are grown in northwestern Michigan along the shores of Lake Michigan.  This region is known as the “Sour Cherry Capital” of the United States.  Tart cherries have a very short growing season and are too delicate to ship far.   So it’s very rare we consumers, south of the Mason Dixon line, would be able to sample these face-wrinkling fruits fresh.

The cherry, fresh, frozen, dried or juiced, has anti-inflammatory properties and is chock- full of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our cells from damage, boost the body’s immune system and fight off disease (cancer and cardiovascular).  The tart cherry has more antioxidants compared to Bing or Rainer cherries.

Studies indicate the healthy benefits in tart cherries are known to protect the body from cardiovascular disease, fight off gout & arthritis and speed up the recovery process for athletes.

Tart cherry juice is the latest trend among athletes and is widely abundant on college campuses.  It is used by athletes to reduce muscle soreness and lessen joint pain.  Ultimately this nutrient packed super food allows athletes and exercise enthusiasts to recover faster without affecting performance!

Cycling for long distances over consecutive days will break down muscle tissue, create inflammation and deplete the body of carbohydrates, our primary source of energy.  Incorporate two servings (one serving = ½ cup dried, 1 cup frozen and 1 cup juice) of tart cherries into your eating plan and reap the benefits of this natural anti-inflammatory.

Instead of reaching for a bottle of ibuprofen after a ride, pucker up and drink tart cherry juice in preparation for the next day’s ride!

Cherry Chocolate Recovery Drink


  • 4 oz chocolate milk
  • 2 tbsp tart cherry juice concentrate
  • 2 tbsp plain yogurt
  • ½ oz dark chocolate, melted
  • 1-2 tsp maple syrup (optional)


  1. Melt chocolate in saucepan over low heat or in the microwave for a few seconds.
  2. Add chocolate milk, tart cherry juice concentrate, yogurt, melted chocolate and maple syrup together and blend or mix well. Chill and serve.

Nutrition Info:

Nutrition Facts per 208 g serving: 210 calories, 10 g total fat, 6 g saturated fat, 28 g carbohydrate, 5 mg cholesterol, 8 g protein, 3 g fiber, 105 mg sodium; Daily Values: 8% vitamin A; 43% vitamin C; 20% calcium; 20% iron

Source: www.choosecherries.com

Fuel On,
Christine Turpin, RD, LDN, CSCS


Connolly DA, McHugh MP, Padilla-Zakour OI, Carlson L, Sayers SP. Efficacy of a tart cherry juice blend in preventing the symptoms of muscle damage. Br J Sports Med 2006;40:679-683.


Howatson G, McHugh MP, Hill JA, Brouner J, Jewell AP, van Someren KA, Shave RE, Howatson SA. Influence of tart cherry juice on indices of recovery following marathon running. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20:843-852.

Kuehl KS, Perrier ET, Elliot DL, Chestnutt J. Efficacy of tart cherry juice in reducing muscle pain during running: a randomized controlled trial. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2010;7:17-22.

“The Red Report:  The Science behind Tart Cherries”.  http://www.choosecherries.com/health/main.aspx